Charming Daisy Bouquet

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Charming Daisy Bouquet

  • HK$520.00

If you're looking for an out-of-the-box floral arrangement, then our Charming Daisy Bouquet should be your choice. This floral arrangement is a delicate bouquet, ideal for showcasing innocence, warmth, and love at any event.


The Charming Daisy Bouquet provides a fresh and sweet arrangement of sophisticated yellow and white daisies. Famous for their simple yet cheerful appeal, daisies are a sign of joy and purity. This bouquet will be a great casual souvenir, celebrating friendship and brightening a loved one's day with a smile. Each flower is chosen for its radiance and freshness, making an airy, light arrangement that goes with any event. Whether it is a simple gesture of acknowledgment or for a casual celebration, our Charming Daisy Bouquet will add an enriching touch to any environment.