Red Rose Bouquet

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Red Rose Bouquet

  • HK$980.00

A gorgeous bouquet of fresh and handpicked red roses, ideal for showcasing love and admiration at any event. The design of this bouquet is so meticulously created that it resonates with beauty and freshness.


This is a unique floral arrangement from Uboxtony. Our Red Rose Bouquet is an ageless classic, signifying deep admiration and affection. Cautiously arranged with freshly picked and vibrant red roses, this stunning bouquet glows with passion and elegance. Whether it is a heartfelt celebration or a romantic gesture, it is a great way to convey your emotions. The design of this bouquet ensures that the arrangement is as stunning as the event. Appropriate for birthdays, anniversaries, or just saying "I love you," this unique creation brings an enduring impression to the recipients.